June 10, 2014
Where do I even begin? Almost 3 years ago I blessed with meeting the Moore family. Little did I know how much of an impact they would have on my life today. I can honestly only say good things about them. They’re always so sweet and hospitable! So what does this have to do with them you ask? Well I had the privilege of not only photographing Patrick Moore’s Senior Pictures, but I also scored a ticket to his graduation. Let me tell you that the tears were flooding all the way around that family.
I can think back to my own graduation from high school which was only 2 years ago, and I remember all the different emotions that I went through in one single day. Joy, Happiness, Sadness, the whole works.
So CONGRATS to the Class of 2014, and special congrats to Patrick! May you keep growing into the wonderful person you are today!
tips for a great engagement Session
tips for a great engagement Session
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